Getting Started

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I have no clue why I’m doing this, but I know it needs to be done. I may be the only person that reads it but that’s ok. Don’t expect fancy bells and whistles, I have no clue how to add pictures.

What I hope to do is encourage others that its never to late to learn new things. Its never to late to try something different.

A few years ago I found myself getting stuck in a rut. I have a very demanding job in a very busy Emergency Room. Sure I only work three days a week, but those three days exhaust me. So on my days off I wasn’t doing much of anything except normal, everyday chores and errands. Sometimes I might crochet or work on a puzzle but I really didn’t find those hobbies very fulfilling.

One day I was just messing around on the internet and somehow came across making strawberry jam. That’s where it all started

So come with me and see where this all goes

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